Today I found out that Hanyuu was beaten in saimoe. She lost to Fuuko Ibuki from Clannad. I still have hope though because Kagami is still in the running, so is Tsukasa but i'm not much of a Tsukasa fan. I actually havent been able to see Clannad, but I really want to watch it. I heard ADV licensed it (finally!) I thought they were slowly dieing or something. I subscibe to there on demad on IO and they were regularly releasing episdoes of anime every friday and sometimes it would switch to thursday. They added about 2 or 3 new titles to the list and were also regularly releasing episdoes but then stoped and suddently took them off. Now they even stop continuing some of there older series and dont update as much. I thought maby they were going to take the On Demand channel of like they took there other ADV channel off. But this liscesing will hopefully mean they wont. I want to buy Clannad now that I've found out, but if they put it on the On Demand list then that will be way easier.
Here are some pics of Darling Hanyuu she did her best that all the matters ^_^

And also pls support The Hiiragi twins (even though I don't like Tsukasa much)

Hello mate,
How you doing? I'm Kitchell, I took a good look at your lovely blog today, very cool. I'm actually interesting in a banner exchange with you, pop me a message if you are feeling up to it. Cheers mate!
My site: www.e2046.com
My email: exchangebanner@e2046.com
To: http://loahso.blogspot.com/2008/10/darling-hanyuu-did-not-make-it-mini.html
Hello there
How are you? I’m Patrick. had a look at your blog today. I’m interested in doing a banner exchange with you. drop me a message if you are okay with it. Cheers!
My site: www.e2046.com
My email: exchangebanner@e2046.com
To: http://loahso.blogspot.com/
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